Ready Mix Lime Mortar

Lime, a wonderful material but unfortunately forgotten in quest of pursuing cement as high and early strength gaining substitute.  Looking at the self healing property, long term strength, breathability of wall and hygienic self life; lime needs to be re-explored in present times.  Conventional masons are pleased by its workability and long initial setting periods. The application is as wide as BBLC, masonry mortar, plaster, tile bedding and water proofing.

Lime had been used for centuries, generations have explored its potential.  It is well understood and time tested material.  However the material has been forgotten due to its few disadvantages.  Traditionally lime mortar (in India) was prepared by mixing lime+surkhi+sand+jaggery+methi+googal and other organic additives as per the region.  In present days finding all these materials and maintaining its proportion on site is bit difficult.  Moreover it needs to be mixed in pan type muller mixer unlike cement mortar which is mixed by “hand”.

To overcome these hassles we are offering ready mix lime mortar. 

We have taken the help of an experienced artisan from Bikaner, Rajasthan for mix design.  This 60 year old man knows in and out of lime mortar and working method of the same.  Additionally our technical team at the Kesarjan has tested physical properties of the same in accordance with BIS codes.  We ourselves have 15 years of experience of working with lime to manufacture lime fly ash bricks.  The understanding about chemistry of lime and pozzolona has boosted our confidence and we are all out to recommend lime mortar for masonry and plaster.

We have facility to manufacture the surkhi to require size and sieving it. After grading of surkhi and sand we mix the same with lime putty in pan type mixer.  Depending upon the requirement we also add fly ash to get advantage of pozzolonic properties.  The mixing in slurry form for at least 15 minutes results in uniform and homogenous mix.  At the same time we add water based solvent prepared from molasses, ‘methi’ and ‘googal’.   The prepared mix is in form of paste.

Wet mortar is supplied to the site, and same can be used directly for plaster or masonry work.  However if it is not utilized immediately it has to be put into shallow tank and kept covered and throughly wet till use.  It needs to be reworked manually every alternate day.

© 2025 | Kesarjan Building Center, Ahmedabad | Reduce, Recycle, Reuse